Sunday, October 13, 2013

Week 2 Blog---Math and Art

In this week's topic, Professor talked about the close relationship between Math and Art, and how these "two cultures" affected each other in different ways. During the lecture, Professor mentioned the Golden Ratio, which many artist and architect have proportioned their work to approach the golden ratio. The golden ratio can be defined as the ratio of longer side to shorter side as  1:0.618, which can be found everywhere in Math, Architecture, Art, and Nature.
For example, the Parthenon in Greek contains the Golden Ratio in it, which the longer part divided by the height of the building is the Golden Ratio. Architect found the building that has the Golden Ratio in it will look more harmonic from their perspectives.
When I search on the internet, I can find a lot of painting using the Golden Ratio in it. Like the Spiral shown above, when you draw some extra lines that separate the spiral into several squares, you can see the Golden Ratio inside.
After I learned this lecture, I observe that Golden Ratio can be found in our real life. For instance, the logo of my car that I'm driving everyday to school is also made with the Golden Ratio.
The logo of TOYOTO consists of three ellipses that has the relationship of Golden Ratio inside.

Moreover, facial beauty also has a connection with the Golden Ratio.
The plastic surgeon says that women whose facial features that contains the Golden Ratio in it will be more attractive to other people.

I found a short but nice video on Youtube that show the relationship between the Golden Ratio and nature.

Another thing I am interested in after I have learned this lecture is the vanishing point. Vanishing point is made because people can observe the nearer objects to be bigger and the farer objects tend to be smaller.

The vanishing point is shown at the end of a people mover at Frankfurt International Airport.
By using the vanishing point, two parallel lines tends to approach each other and vanish at the same ending point, which makes painting and photograph more real and in three-dementional perspective.

I have learned piano for 8 years, and I remembered when I was very young, my piano teacher told me:"You will be good at math if you work hard on your piano practice." At that time, I didn't understand how could math can relate to music? Because Music is something very emotional, but Math is abstract and rational. However, after I have learned this lecture, I know music and math have intimate connection that music theorem is just like a math problem. About 500 years ago, an ancient Greek philosopher Pythagoras went for a walk. When he passed by a blacksmith store, he found the sound of iron was more loud and clear than other blacksmith stores. He walked into that store and measured that size of the hammer, and he found a proportion between the volume of the hammer and the vocal sound of the iron casting. Pythagoras was the first person who found the connection between Math and Music. Also by doing the research, scientists found children who listen to music more often will have a better idea of how to solve a mathematics problem.
During this week's lecture and research, I have expanded my definition of "two cultures". The beauty of Art is amazing and mathematics help us to understand art in a deeper perspective. Art is not only related to Science but also connected to Math. The "two cultures" of math and art seems to two extremes but actually there is an invisible line that connects them in everywhere.

Vesna, Victoria. “” Cole UC online. Youtube, 9 April 2012. Web. 11 Oct. 2012. <>

Cristobal Vila. "Nature by Numbers." Youtube, 11 March 2010. Web.13 Oct 2013. <>

Charlene, Douglass. "Biography of Pythagoras." 2005. Web.13 Oct 2013.<>.

Saikat Banerjee. "Golden Ratio in logo designs." 29 July.2011. Web. 13 Oct 2013.<>

Pamela M. Pallett, Stephen Link,and Kang Lee. "Facial Beauty and the "New" Golden Ratio." 13 Mar 2013. Web. 13 Oct 2013. <>


  1. I like how you explained the Toyota logo and facial beauty in regards to the golden ratio. I wonder if marketing/advertising people do this on purpose so that we see the logo as more beautiful or perfect or if it's just a happy coincidence? Regardless, it's a good connection.

  2. It is very interesting that you show how the logo of Toyota utilized golden ratio.I wonder if other companies use the same idea when creating their logos. I like how you make the connection between music and math. I heard about how music can help logical thinking when I was young. And that was one of the reason my mother asked me to learned how to play the piano also.

  3. I like your idea that your car logo and plastic surgeries apply golden ratio in their designs. I have been looking for it in paintings and buildings and haven't realized its prevalence in daily life. Now I start to see it everywhere, like in interior designs, the way a sectional is portioned.
